A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon stands between Earth and the Sun.
The Moon can fully or partially block the Sun, as seen from Earth. When the Moon fully blocks the Sun, it’s called a total eclipse. When the Moon partially blocks the Sun, it’s a partial eclipse.
We can see the Sun eclipse just from certain locations of the planet, depending on where the shadow of the Moon falls.
But be CAREFUL: even on an eclipse, the effects of the solar rays can be very bad for your eyes. There are safe ways to look at the eclipse.
Here, we are going to build a pin-hole camera, which is one of the ways to safely see the solar eclipse (ask an adult to help you).

You can test the camera by pointing at a light fixture at home (the parchment paper is closest to you). This is how the image of the light fixture will look like on your parchment paper screen: (note the the image will be upside down!)
In North America, we will be able to see the Solar Eclipse on Monday, April 8, 2024. For more information, please visit:
Here, you can track the exact date and time the solar eclipse will be visible in different areas of the globe: https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/globe/2024-april-8